Personal Icon

Designed for Personal

Project Personal Logo

Created October 2014

During my senior year of college, for a class project, the students were asked to develop a personal vocabulary (words that illustrate who we are), choose five key words and create an icon based on those words. In doing so, I created my first personal icon (the first sketch image) based on the words: animation, observant, meditative, psychedelic/surreal and technology. My professor was impressed, however intended the icon to be simpler. Recently, I decided to take that advice and simplify my icon, which lead me to “Mark 01”. Although the abstraction was more remnant of the original, I felt the icon should be clearer, so I created “Mark 02” to rectify that. In it, the eye illustrates animation and observant (both visual), the gear represents technology as well as my meditative nature (“gears turning in the mind”), lastly, the overall image of a gear in an eye is psychedelic.


Kyle Crowther's Personal Icon


Mark 01

Kyle Crowther's Personal Icon Mk 01


Mark 02

Kyle Crowther's Personal Icon Mk 02


Mark 03

Kyle Crowther's Personal Icon Mk 03